Friday, June 22, 2012

"World War D"

The Disney Turf War is back, and with a vengeance.

I've been without internet for a few days now.  As most people I've ever come in contact with know, I've been with my family and we've been in the process of a rather large move.  Unfortunately for me, this meant zero internet (minus my crappy phone).

In my absence, it appears that my facebook friends have come in contact with one another, and they fucking hate each other.  Or maybe it's not hate so much as taking words said the wrong way, and unleashing a shit storm over DISNEY PARKS.  It makes me wonder if these people have any idea what they sound like to outsiders.  The worst part is that they expect me to get involved.  Everyone wants me to rush to their defense, which is blowing my mind because I am no one's attack dog, no one's personal army.

Meanwhile, I have other people alongside me scratching their heads and wondering what the hell is going on and why this is even happening.  Well fuck you guys, you're all gonna catch it here when I'm on the WDW Kingdomcast.

Speaking of Podcasts, the WDW Lost Girls Podcast is coming soon!  Make sure you check out the sister blog, No Dancing on the Monorail.   Kristi and I will be your permanent hosts, and we look forward to hearing your feedback!

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