Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Joys of a Good Night's Rest and Holy Crap, My Vacation is Under Four Months Away.

So this morning, only Tony still had school so I guess Mom got him out the door in time because I was never called up.  I'd left my phone upstairs in the kitchen, so there really was no hearing my alarm this morning.  Anyway, when I woke up, the sun was up and I was feeling rather well rested.  After a week with a spotty sleep schedule, it was awesome.  I wanted to spin kick the door open and break into 'Good Morning USA' from American Dad.
Kinda felt like this.

I moseyed upstairs, had some breakfast, shut Mom's door so no one would wake her up (she let me nap during the week, it's only right that I return the favor) and sat down on my ass to see what was going on around the internet.  Imgur is alight with new pictures, my package full of accessories for my Nook is out for delivery, and, wouldn't you know it, it's less than four months till my vacation!


Wait, what?

Under four months?

In two weeks time, I'll be at the 100 day mark.  I should be really excited!  I should be ready to go!

But wait a minute...I haven't bought our park tickets, our Halloween event tickets, or our Dining Plan.  I haven't even made all my dining reservations yet.  I don't have money put away to put on gift cards for our spending money allowance.  Basically what I'm getting at is...

There are 115 days left until we take off from Cincinnati for out Walt Disney World bash, and we have nothing done.

Panic Mode: Engage.

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