Mom asked me to take the kids, minus Jonathan who was being a terror, out to dinner at Golden Corral. I wasn't particularly excited to go, never had a really great experience at a Golden Corral, and everyone was bitching. I don't think anyone really wanted to go, and Mom managed to wriggle out of it by staying home with Jon. She let me take the Benz, which is pretty freaking cool, though. No complaints there, I guess.
We got there and it was packed, of course. I think a church service had let out, so after paying a hefty sum, we found a place for the six of us to sit--and found out it was right next to the single most annoying family of all time. Parents were letting their toddlers run screaming through the restaurant, and the teenage siblings were right there behind 'em, laughing and crashing into people. I was nearly trampled several times, and almost stepped on some toddlers several more.
This went on the entire time. The food was gross, cold, the cooks were rude, and even the dessert bar was abysmal. Everyone left grumpy, and the drive back home was awkward. I'm already hungry again, and I've bought myself a jug of orange juice so I can slip some vodka into it and drink without anyone realizing I'm drinking.
Grandma, who thankfully went with me, isn't feeling too well. I'm not sure what she ate that I didn't, but I'm sure glad I'm not her right now.
Changing the subject now, I found a Disney Pin just...hanging around in the junk drawer up here. It's a Mickey-shaped one, with American Flag colors. It's kinda cool, especially since I'm coming down off a Chris-Evans-as-Captain-America high and I collect Disney Pins. I hear there's more hiding around this house and I plan to find them during the move and liberate them from the other kids. Screw 'em, they don't take care of anything anyway.
Me and my new pin. You bitches can suck it.
Oh. Well.
Anyway, no one's claimed this America Mickey pin, so screeeeew 'em. I'm taking it, putting it in my cork board with the rest of my pins, and it'll look great. Maybe I can even find a few more, right?
Till tomorrow,
That Disney Bitch
P.S. Once I get Aimee's attention, I'mma have her customize this a little bit more. She can probably do something kinda cool with it, I dunno.
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