Thursday, June 28, 2012

WDW Lost Girls Podcast (Coming Soon!) and the Disney Parks app for iPhone

So for those of you following along, you'll likely know that a friend and I have been working on setting up a podcast.  Obviously, this podcast is going to be Disney flavored and very much intended for adults only.  Rated 'M' for 'Mature,' folks, and we mean it.

We start recording soon, and already have a few guests lined up, so stay tuned!  In the meantime, make sure you check out her blog (linked above) because she tends to be less emotional and far more informative than my crazy ass.

In other news, I've broken down.  I got an iPhone, after years of swearing I never would.  Why?  It was free.  My stepdad was helping me set up my own plan and bought the phone for me.  I can't really complain about that.  I'll always be a google-Droid fan in spirit, so maybe in two years when I get my upgrade.  My number has not changed, though, so if you've got it, shoot me a text!

I think, aside from Siri, my favorite feature might be the Disney Parks app.  I've been dying to try this thing out for ages, and it's pretty cool even outside the parks.  It shows me the hours of operation for all of the parks in WDW and DLR, and even tells me what parade and showtimes are.  In the parks, it's supposed to give me total ride wait time and Fastpass information, so I'll be able to review that in more detail here in a couple months.

Finally, It looks like I may be in Colorado for another month, watching the wildfires rage on.  My mother is paying me for helping out around here, so I don't mind doing it too much (though I'm reaching an incredible level of exhaustion--I may just have to take a week-long coma when I get home) but it'll give me some time to make sure the podcast is ready to roll with Kristi, and maybe even make a few more appearances like....

WDW DIS-Cussion!

I made an appearance on their most recent show, so check me out!  I'd like to thank Ryan, Brandon and Chris so much for the opportunity.

I appeared alongside Derek Burgan, so make sure you listen to all the plugs and check us out.  The topic of discussion was what to do in WDW after the sun goes down, but we derailed quite a few times into other topics of discussion, including whether or not WDW bus drivers should ever be believed.  Very hilarious.

Till next time--which should be soon!

Friday, June 22, 2012

"World War D"

The Disney Turf War is back, and with a vengeance.

I've been without internet for a few days now.  As most people I've ever come in contact with know, I've been with my family and we've been in the process of a rather large move.  Unfortunately for me, this meant zero internet (minus my crappy phone).

In my absence, it appears that my facebook friends have come in contact with one another, and they fucking hate each other.  Or maybe it's not hate so much as taking words said the wrong way, and unleashing a shit storm over DISNEY PARKS.  It makes me wonder if these people have any idea what they sound like to outsiders.  The worst part is that they expect me to get involved.  Everyone wants me to rush to their defense, which is blowing my mind because I am no one's attack dog, no one's personal army.

Meanwhile, I have other people alongside me scratching their heads and wondering what the hell is going on and why this is even happening.  Well fuck you guys, you're all gonna catch it here when I'm on the WDW Kingdomcast.

Speaking of Podcasts, the WDW Lost Girls Podcast is coming soon!  Make sure you check out the sister blog, No Dancing on the Monorail.   Kristi and I will be your permanent hosts, and we look forward to hearing your feedback!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Just Met Cindy Morgan and Bruce Boxleitner

And I'm one happy Disney Bitch.

(EDIT: Picture has been baleeted for privacy purposes.  I hated having to do this, but with the upcoming Podcast and my group of friends and everything, I don't want to flub anything up with Disney.)

Bruce is my guy.  Always was, always will be!  He's such a sweetie too, dealt with my stuttering and fumbling over my hands...I'm a little embarrassed of myself but I think I did rather well.  I didn't burst into tears of joy and completely mortify myself.

Cindy Morgan is an absolute BABE, too.  She's gorgeous, funny, kind, smart...Yori is by FAR my favorite Disney Princess.  ;)  I can't believe how wonderful she is, and I can't wait to read her book!  May even get to do an interview with her for this blog!

The image Aimee drew was beautiful--Cindy and Bruce loved their copies.  I'll get a scanned image of the signed picture for this blog soon.

Also just found out Michael Bay's 'Ninja Turtles' has been canned.


EDIT: Patrick the Bartender here at Embassy Suites is back for the Manager's Reception.  Drinking his custom drink, and it's fabulous.  TODAY IS A GOOD DAY.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Walt Disney on What's My Line

I don't have a whole lot to say today as nothing has really happened.  I do, however, want to keep the blog going strong, so here's a cute little video of Grampa Walt on a gameshow!  Whee!

Reminded of Disney in Our Current Accommodations

So we're currently at the Embassy Suites in Loveland, Colorado and this place is pretty awesome.  Everyone is friendly, it's close to shit, and it's freakin' nice.  Manager's Reception, free booze for two hours!  Lovin' that.

The pool and hot tub are nice as hell, too.  I'm...actually enjoying myself.  For once, I don't have much to bitch about.

There's something about this place that's kinda Disneylike too, actually.  Everyone on the staff wears a nametag with their hometown on it, house keeping is awesome (TOWEL ANIMALSSSS) and I'm actually kind of having a blast. :)

I just wish I didn't feel like shit.  The high altitude is kicking my ass.  I'm tired, headachy and nauseated.  Plus, there's that freaking wildfire in Ft. Collins, which is like...20 miles away.  Not cool.  Woke up this morning wondering who the hell was hard at work burning breakfast.

Anyway, till next time.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Getting the Hell Outta Dodge

Okay, totally pissed off right now.

So, the movers are still at the house, packing shit up and they shoulda been done ages ago, so Greg dropped us off at the hotel.  We're just chillen now, Airport Marriott in Greensboro, but it totally sucks here.

Maybe I'm just spoiled by Disney resorts.

Or maybe it sucks here.  No fridge in the rooms, 12.99 internet (though I get mine for free, DVC...but I think WIFI is going free soon if it hasn't already) and there's a bottle of water in all the rooms, tempting the kids.  Open it, that's 2.50, you gullible fuck.

I can't wait to get out of here and to Colorado tomorrow.  We stayin' in the Hilton Embassy Suiiiiites.

Just found out they have an open bar for two hours every night.

I'm so excited.

I can't wait.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

No. Also, yes! Yes, yes, yes!

WARNING:  Massive bitch-fit incoming.  Skip to part 2 for the good news.

I ain't doin' this.  I outright refuse to be pulled into this WDW vs. DLR bullshit, and I can't believe it's an issue.  If you really feel like you have to fall all over yourself to make your favorite park look better, then you can go and eat a large helping of dogshit.

Tell you what.  For those of us who are normal, let's round up all these jackasses, put 'em on a Disney Cruiseliner, let 'em have at each other, and then have it sail directly into the center of the Bermuda triangle, and then NUKE THE BEJEEZUS OUT OF IT.

Earth has no use for you.

IN OTHER NEWS, I will be meeting Bruce Boxleitner and Cindy Morgan next weekend at the fiiiirst annual Denver Comic Con.  As someone who takes TRON very seriously, this is a really huge moment for me, and I'm really excited.

TRON: Uprising seems to be doing pretty well, and it's a generally enjoyable show.  I can't wait to see more of it, and hope that we may see TRON in Disney parks here in the near future again!

More on this later!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Disney Turf Wars

Yes, you read that right.  You, if you're a relatively normal human being, are having the same reaction I originally had to this.  I think it goes something along the lines of "what the actual fuck?"

I had a discussion with a few friends of mine that are Disneyland Resort 'natives.'  They have stated that there are Walt Disney World natives that are vicious and bloodthirsty, trashing DLR at every turn, particularly Disney California Adventure.  Their answer?  Return fire!

I pointed out the flaw here--they're just making themselves look like asses to those of us who can't see every single one of the attacks on WDW that they're responding to.  To me, it just looks like some jerkoffs trashing my park because they feel a little insecure--and yes, they do feel insecure.  Sorry if you're reading this guys, but having to jump to the defense of your park means that you don't feel it can speak for itself, so you have to talk it up.  If that's not true, then you really need to change your language around, because that's how it's coming off.

Honestly, I couldn't believe what I was reading.  And here I am sitting here wondering when the hell this all started.  I've never, before this, known anyone involved in what seems like a Disney turf war.

I posed the following question to the gang at WDW Kingdomcast, word for word.
I've got a question and I'm looking for some straight talk, not any of this yuppie friendly bullshit that I keep getting. Is there really a 'turf war' of sorts going on between people who prefer Disneyland Resort and people who prefer Walt Disney World? I've got a small group of people who are just driving me insane on my newsfeed, and it's like the goddamn Hatfields and the McCoys. I've always been under the mindset of 'if it's a Disney Park, it's pretty cool' and then maybe specific beefs with the way individual things are run. I didn't realize there was this big, whiny ass "Hollywood Studios is better than Disney California Adventuuuuure" and vice versa. 

I got some pretty legit responses, too, and I'm genuinely fond of this group now.

 I think it's more of people trying to take stabs at each other in 140 characters or less. If it's more than that those people need to find something better to whine about. No question Disney parks around the globe are pretty damn cool.  -Ron Bidnez
Unfortunately it's not just DL vs WDW. It's happening throughout the entire Disney fan base online. Bash this, bash that. Bash everyone and everything. And yes, particularly, there's an undercurrent of some Disneyland regulars who blame everything bad on Orlando. If something is awful out there, it must have come from here. But if something's good, then we don't deserve it. Really makes no sense.  -Ricky Brigante
Fuck them, Walt said that they are our Parks. Not some d-bags in Cali or shitheads in Florida. I'm partial to wdw because I grew up there, doesn't make it any better than dl , just more special to me. Screw them and their nonsense. -Chris Tucker
Can we all just agree: fuck Eurodisney? -Curtis Rogers
 There's nothing I can say to Curtis
that won't cause a shitstorm.

Anyway, I love Walt Disney World and Disneyland Resort.

And there is nothing you cunts can do about it.

EDIT: Not five minutes after I posted this, someone commented about the new dark/speed ride in DLR, to which someone replied "Still better than Test Track."

Fuck you, California.

New Gourmet Dinnerware from the Disney Store

Check this shit out.  It's Disney's new line of dishes that they're selling in their stores.  Extra adorable!

Hard to see the casserole dish from here, but it has Mickey ears.  Meeeee guuuustaaaaaa.

Check out this link to get to the store and purchase if you're interested.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Walt Disney World Night Shows

I feel like I've missed something.  Like something's happened when I wasn't looking, but I'm not sure when that would have been, because I've been looking the whole time.  But something's definitely changed with the community I've been so close to for over a year now, and I just don't feel the way I used to anymore.

I don't hold any hard feelings, of course.  I still love (almost) everyone involved, but lately it's just felt unfocused and unwelcoming...and well, I'd hate to say it, but I think I've found a new family.

I've grown distant, I've grown meaner...maybe it's not them, maybe it's me.  And maybe I just needed to find some people who can handle my personality a little bit better.

I just don't even know what else to say about this.

I'm still madly in love with a lot of the people involved, so I'm gonna stick with it.  Maybe I'll warm back up to it.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Joys of a Good Night's Rest and Holy Crap, My Vacation is Under Four Months Away.

So this morning, only Tony still had school so I guess Mom got him out the door in time because I was never called up.  I'd left my phone upstairs in the kitchen, so there really was no hearing my alarm this morning.  Anyway, when I woke up, the sun was up and I was feeling rather well rested.  After a week with a spotty sleep schedule, it was awesome.  I wanted to spin kick the door open and break into 'Good Morning USA' from American Dad.
Kinda felt like this.

I moseyed upstairs, had some breakfast, shut Mom's door so no one would wake her up (she let me nap during the week, it's only right that I return the favor) and sat down on my ass to see what was going on around the internet.  Imgur is alight with new pictures, my package full of accessories for my Nook is out for delivery, and, wouldn't you know it, it's less than four months till my vacation!


Wait, what?

Under four months?

In two weeks time, I'll be at the 100 day mark.  I should be really excited!  I should be ready to go!

But wait a minute...I haven't bought our park tickets, our Halloween event tickets, or our Dining Plan.  I haven't even made all my dining reservations yet.  I don't have money put away to put on gift cards for our spending money allowance.  Basically what I'm getting at is...

There are 115 days left until we take off from Cincinnati for out Walt Disney World bash, and we have nothing done.

Panic Mode: Engage.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ray Bradbury, 8.22.1920-6.05.2012

I felt it pertinent to comment on the loss of the great Ray Bradbury, who is one of those people that we (that's the 'royal' we) will be talking about years after you and I are long gone.

I can sit and talk about Mr. Bradbury's achievements all day--and believe me, it would take all day--but I don't really need to.  He's one of the greatest, if not THE greatest modern science-fiction writer that comes to mind.

I'm gonna keep this short and sweet and just say that Bradbury was an inspiration.  See ya later, Ray.

Captain America is my role model.

 Because being family friendly is boring as hell.

...thanks for your input, Tony.

Cool Loki Fanart and Up Early again.

I found this picture doing a Google Image Search for Sigyn last night.  I've been trying to make myself like Loki, but I'm still having a hard time getting over what a little douchebag he is in both Thor and Avengers.  I started reading some of the mythology and fell in love with Sigyn, the wife of Loki, and her devotion to him.  Check it out.
The deviantART page for the work can be found here.  Please, go have a look and give him/her the view and the favorite if you'd be so kind.

Anyway, I'm up early again and mega pissed off.  Jamie was up ALL NIGHT, kept coming down for food and since I'm sleeping in the guest room in the basement, I can hear him stomping around, and it kept me up, so I'm running on about two and a half hours of sleep right now.  

Then this morning, my alarm goes off at 5:30 (seriously can't wait for this madness to end) and I meet Mom upstairs and she mutters to me "I think he's been up all night.  He's still up."  Sure enough, the little idiot isn't even trying to be quiet.  So, I look my mother in the eye and ask her "Where's the router?"

She told me and started giggling as I marched into her bedroom and hit the power switch.  Like clockwork, we hear Jamie start to shuffle around, and then come down the stairs.  He passes us when he walks through the kitchen and nearly jumps out of his skin, because we're sitting at the table in the dark and it's raining, and we must look creepy as hell because we're both just STARING at him.  He swears over and over again that he wasn't up all night!  He woke up at four!  

Bullshit.  It's the fist day of his summer vacation.  I know this game, playa, I used to play it!

So he eats a bowl of cereal, trying to act all chill, and I notice him (but he doesn't notice me noticin' him) slip into Mom's room.  A minute later he walks back out, stretches, and starts to head back upstairs.  Mom and I give each other a look and I slipped in.  Sure enough the bastard turned the router back on.  Did he think we wouldn't notice?  It's attached to this big ass strip of lights, when I turned it off, they all went out.  Now they're lit up like a string of Christmas lights.

I swear to god.  I hate teenagers.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Do yourself a favor and click this. Then watch it.

I Don't Know How My Mother Does It, and I've Decided that I Really Hate the Animal Kingdom.

So I've mentioned earlier on this week that I am staying with my family for the month of June as they prepare to make their big move to Colorado.  My mom is reimbursing my income and I get to see my family and a new part of the country, so it's all cool.  I've been waking up at the buttcrack of dawn every day to help her get the kiddies off to their final few days of school, and pretty much just doing everything she's asking me to do.

Today, she asked me to make dinner, and have Jamie, my brother, take out the trash.  I couldn't wake the bastard up, because he stays up all night and then sleeps when he gets home from school.  So I'm up there screaming, but he's not answering, his door is locked so I can't get in there and shake him awake, so whatever, I go downstairs and start doing it myself.

Meanwhile, the oven's keep beeping, I have to turn over the fish fillets, shuffle the french fries around, and Christian, another brother, keeps asking me questions that I don't have the answer to, and he's eating poptarts and asking for popcorn and I'm like HOLY SHIT, STOP EATING I'M MAKING DINNER.

So Mom gets home, and I'm pulling the fish and chips out of the oven and she calls Jamie down with one yell of his name, so obviously she has the correct frequency for his ears to hear.  Trash gets taken out after he walks in circles for a few minutes and then he eats, he and Katie clean up the dishes, and I pulled this up to start writing. It's pretty much cemented my desire to stay the fuck away from ever having kids.  I'm just not interested.  Not even a little.

Moving on, I've decided that I'm also not interested in visiting the Animal Kingdom ever again.  It's too damn far from my resort, closes too early, and there's just not a whole lot there.  I can't stand Dinosaur because it scares the bejeezus out of me, and Expedition Everest is okay, I guess, but not worth the bus ride over there.  I don't get the pull.  It can't be the animals--you can go to a freaking zoo and see animals.  The food doesn't seem that great, and they're adding Pandora or whatever which I simply cannot bring myself to give a singular shit about the park.

Someone please, send me a comment, a note on Facebook explaining to me what the draw of this park is.  The "Magic" just doesn't seem like it's there.


Katy Perry is Loki.  Or maybe Loki is Katy Perry.  Something something California Girls, something something I am a god.

Monday, June 4, 2012

I'm a Total Facebook Grump and I Really Can't Wait for October.

When I'm in Walt Disney World, I tend to stay off of Facebook for the week I'm there.  I just don't really have the time to update it, and frankly, I don't care about the rest of you jackoffs, I'm in DIDNEY WURL.  I've noticed, though, that I am evidently alone in this particular practice because it seems like everyone else is posting detailed play-by-plays of every little thing they're doing while visiting the resort.

Look, I don't blame you for wanting to brag a little bit.  I upload tons of stuff when I come home.  And honestly, I can't fault you for posting while you're there.  But that doesn't mean I'm going to be nice about it.  I'm fickle and jealous, and when I see you checking into Cinderella's castle, I want to fight you a little bit.  That doesn't mean I don't love you, though.

Anyway, on a lighter note, I can't freaking wait for my trip in October.  I can't wait to meet a few people I've been dying to meet, I can't wait to go to the Halloween Party, I can't wait to hit the Food and Wine festival, and holy /balls/ I just can't wait to be in Walt Disney World again.  I miss it every day that passes, and the rest of my life seems so amazingly dull.

We'll be at Bay Lake Tower from October 1-7th, flying down so I don't have to deal with a 16 hour drive, getting the dining plan and loading up some gift cards.  It'd be really cool to have literally everything paid for before we go down there.
Up way too early helping Mom, but I got to watch last night's episode of Metalocalypse.  I dunno what to think, it was funny, but...well, I hope Brendon Small isn't pandering to the wimminz.

Found something on Tumblr that amused me, though.

I want someone to actually make the opening set to the Friends theme song.  I would watch the shit out of that show.

Edit: Found one, but it does not please me.

Not enough Bruce Banner.  >:C


Sunday, June 3, 2012

In other news, here's Bruce Banner dancing Thriller.  Pardon my fangirling.

....Sherlock Holmes.

Golden Corral is the Worst Restaurant Ever and Disney Pin Trading is Following Me.

I'm going to start this with the Golden Corral bit so that I can brighten my own mood towards the end of the entry.

Mom asked me to take the kids, minus Jonathan who was being a terror, out to dinner at Golden Corral.  I wasn't particularly excited to go, never had a really great experience at a Golden Corral, and everyone was bitching.  I don't think anyone really wanted to go, and Mom managed to wriggle out of it by staying home with Jon.  She let me take the Benz, which is pretty freaking cool, though.  No complaints there, I guess.

We got there and it was packed, of course.  I think a church service had let out, so after paying a hefty sum, we found a place for the six of us to sit--and found out it was right next to the single most annoying family of all time.  Parents were letting their toddlers run screaming through the restaurant, and the teenage siblings were right there behind 'em, laughing and crashing into people.  I was nearly trampled several times, and almost stepped on some toddlers several more.

This went on the entire time.  The food was gross, cold, the cooks were rude, and even the dessert bar was abysmal.  Everyone left grumpy, and the drive back home was awkward.  I'm already hungry again, and I've bought myself a jug of orange juice so I can slip some vodka into it and drink without anyone realizing I'm drinking.

Grandma, who thankfully went with me, isn't feeling too well.  I'm not sure what she ate that I didn't, but I'm sure glad I'm not her right now.

Changing the subject now, I found a Disney Pin just...hanging around in the junk drawer up here.  It's a Mickey-shaped one, with American Flag colors.  It's kinda cool, especially since I'm coming down off a Chris-Evans-as-Captain-America high and I collect Disney Pins.  I hear there's more hiding around this house and I plan to find them during the move and liberate them from the other kids.  Screw 'em, they don't take care of anything anyway.

Me and my new pin.  You bitches can suck it.

Anywho, finding the pin surprised me a bit, as my family hasn't been to a Disney Park.  Most of my siblings weren't even born the last time we went as a family.  I interrogated my mother, and she gave up the goods pretty easily--my stepdad had some sort of convention down there and had picked up the pins as souvenirs.

Oh.  Well.

Anyway, no one's claimed this America Mickey pin, so screeeeew 'em.  I'm taking it, putting it in my cork board with the rest of my pins, and it'll look great.  Maybe I can even find a few more, right?

Till tomorrow,
That Disney Bitch

P.S. Once I get Aimee's attention, I'mma have her customize this a little bit more.  She can probably do something kinda cool with it, I dunno.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The First Post

Let me introduce myself.  I have a few monikers, and if you're reading this post, you're probably familiar with me in some fashion.  I'm Tr0n1982, I'm Americandy, I'm Alice, and I'm Alison.  I'm in my twenties, I have anger management issues, and I love Disney.  I'm also a Pure Romance consultant, so if you have any need for bath or beauty products, or bedroom accessories, hit me up!

Anyway, the main focus of this blog is gonna be Disney travel.  I'm a Disney Vacation Club member (best investment of my life) and I go every year.  My home resort is Bay Lake Tower.

Jesus, I'm really drunk writing this, and I promise my next post will be much more coherent.  Anyway, I'm currently in North Carolina.  Been here for three days, I miss my fucking cat and I miss Aimee and I still have mostly a month ahead of me, and a flight to Colorado.  

I'm helping my family move before I return home to Kentucky.  Silly me.

Comprehensive travel details of my trip to NC tomorrow, and then I'll be updating daily with details concerning my adventures back home with my family and planning for my October 2012 Walt Disney World vacay.

For now, though, I'm gonna hit this hip flask of vodka like it's the end of the world.