Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Scattering Ashes at Disney

Cremation seems to be growing in popularity as a way for people to tend to their dead.  Walt Disney himself was cremated, but I'm sure there are still people who hold tight to the idea that he's frozen somewhere in the Utilidors (I maintain he's in Spaceship Earth, a real spaceship that will take off December 21, 2012 with Walt's Chosen Ones aboard where he will awaken and take them to the promised land on a distant planet).  Scattering ashes is nothing new, either.  From romantic images of a lover's ashes being scattered in the countryside, over a lake or the ocean, to The Dude getting a face full of Donny's ashes courtesy of Walter, it's a scene we've become all too familiar with.

"Goddammit, Walter!  Fuckin' asshole!"

What's totally astounded me, however, is the fact that this happens often at the Disney Parks.  Well, okay, maybe I'm not astounded.  It makes a sick sort of sense, as the most popular place tends to be the Haunted Mansion, with everyone wanting to be the 1000th Happy Haunt once they pass away.  There's a sort of romance to it, spending your eternity with Phineas, Ezra and Gus, The Singing Busts, and Master Gracey?

And before you say anything at all, fuck you, Dwight.  I know Master Gracey isn't the Ghost Host, but he is in my head canon and there isn't shit you can say to convince me otherwise.  I've written incredible fanfictions based on this ride that none of you all will ever see and I know my shit.  I just choose to ignore that factoid.  Anyway, moving on.

So it's a thing to have your ashes scattered in Disney.  I don't know how often this happens anymore, but it happened a few years back and they straight up shut Pirates down for 45 minutes to make sure it wasn't bone matter.  It doesn't say whether or not it was, but the woman swears it was baby powder.  Okay, maybe it was.  Why the fuck were you scattering baby powder on Pirates of the Caribbean?

EDIT:  It was fucking bone matter and it took them a while to clean it up, according to multiple sources I'm too lazy to state.  Google it.

And evidently this is happening all over the park, though Pirates and The Haunted Mansion seem to be the most popular.  It's fucking nasty, though--and these idiots don't seem to realize that their loved ones are just gonna get cleaned up, especially in the Haunted Mansion.  What's even more alarming is that a bunch of comments all over the internet seem to say "Wow, we scattered ___'s ashes there in (insert year here) but we didn't know it was a big thing!"

Seriously?  Fucking gross.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Review: Our Kingdom of Dust

Beautiful cover graphic, isn't it?  It really sets the scene for the story inside, too.  I'm gonna try to do this without being too spoiler-rific, because the book is freaking awesome.  Actually, I might spoil a lot, and I don't fucking care.  I won't ruin the important bits though, honest.

The book is fast paced, and easily as in-your-face as his previous book, The Dark Side of Disney, which is easily the greatest Walt Disney World tour guide every written.  The book comes out swinging with what appears to be our hero Blaine's discovery of the grisly murder of a beautiful girl, and then cuts back to a brief synopsis of Blaine's life.  

I'm not normally a fan of blatant exposition, but Kinsey does it in such a way that it's terrifying and engrossing, and you're unable to tear yourself from the words on the page.  You find yourself in Blaine's shoes, wanting to tear your heart out when you read about the death of his dog Sam, which is somehow a thousand years more powerful than the death of Blaine's parents.  

Blaine, now well off, makes a desperate attempt to grab at his past by returning to Walt Disney World, a place his parents used to take him when he was a kid, only to find out that time had passed without him, meeting Jay, a creepy Disney-obsessed limo driver with something dark surrounding him that Blaine just can't seem to put his finger on--though we already know the man commits a terrible crime toward the end of the story.

We're introduced to a host of completely bizarre and totally interesting characters, including Charles, a kind old cast member determined to look out for Blaine, an old widow covered in teddy bears, a couple who've experienced a miscarriage aren't coping so well, a stalkerific creep with some massive, deep-seated issues, and finally the beautiful Lisa, who we already know to be our victim from the flash-forward at the beginning of the story.

We're also introduced to a terrifying drug--The Dust, the recipe for which is contained in the Evil Queen's heart box.  The book is a wild ride, and once I was finally able to sit down and read it, I was able to clean it up in a few hours, but I'm a fast reader--and it's a hard book to put down.


The Horizons scene, and your mileage may vary with this.  He sees Mission: Space where Horizons should be, and he's pissed.  I mean hell, I'm pissed whenever I see Mission: Space because it sucks, but I don't get the pain he felt.  I wish Kinsey had spent a little more time describing Horizons to the reader because, and I'm sad to say it, I've never experienced it.  I've seen some pictures, and I know how important it is to many people, and I'd love to see it come back, but I was a little lost at this point.  However, I do know about that goddamn GIANT MICKEY HAND that was up on Spaceship Earth for a while, and I was right there with him on that note.

I wish we could have spent some more time with Lisa.  I get that the book was from Blaine's point of view, making that next to impossible, but I was left wanting to know more about her, which, I suppose, isn't an altogether terrible thing.

The dialogue in a few places felt a bit forced, especially some of Blaine's lines.  I grimaced once or twice, but other than that, it was fluid and natural.


The book is fucking amazing.  The story is fucking amazing, the characters are amazing, and the fucking towel baby had me in stitches, and I don't care who I piss off when I say that.  It was hilarious in that 'holy shit' sort of way.

The comedic bits are hilarious, the parts that are supposed to be sunny and happy are sunny and happy, and there are some moments of terrifying suspense that are, well...terrifying.  The turkey leg segments are pretty grotesque too.  I'm not sure if that should go in good or bad actually.  All I know is that I'm going to get one and chew obnoxiously on it at some point when I'm surrounded by my other friends who have read it this year.

The attention to detail is pretty stunning, too.  I had NO idea what DermaBlend was before this book, and now I'm dying to get some.  I do amateur makeup, so finding out about something like this was pretty ground breaking for me.  The props in Jay's house are neat too, and you get to wondering at what lengths he's gone to obtain all of this shit--and then you begin to find out.

All in all, the positives WAY, way, way, way, way....way?  WAY outweigh the negatives, and this book is easily a 9 or 9.5 out of ten.  I wish it had been longer!  Now I'm out of shit to read!

Write something else, Kinsey!

And Everything Comes Together.

Seems like everything is starting to work out in my favor, generally.  The first podcast has been recorded, of course, we have tickets on the way for Walt Disney World (8 Day Parkhoppers, bitchesssss!) and our Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party tickets.  All we have left to do now is get our dining plan.  We decided that this year, the DDP is probably gonna be best for us.  There's a lot of places we wanna check out, and the DDP is the most economical way to do it--this year, especially since we're moving to Sarasooootaaaaa!  :)

I've got Dethklok/Lamb of God tickets for my birtday, too, so I'm hoping everything works out for Randy Blythe.  I'm a little irritated at what's happening over in Prague with him right now--it's a total shakedown.

Back to Disney, I'm finally on twitter, so make sure you follow me @ThatDisneyBitch for a good time.  I'll be updating the blog later with all of our current dining reservations.  We have one left to make, and I haven't decided what I'm gonna do yet.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Didney Worl Trip News and Podcast News

I guess I'll start with the podcasting bit.  We finally recorded, so Samantha's supposed to be editing that shit up over the weekend, and hopefully it'll go live on Monday.  It'll be a pretty boring start I think, kind of an 'intro to us,' but we both thought it was something kind of important to do.

Anyway, everything for my trip is bought and paid for except my dining plan.  I got into it with Chris Wakefield about whether or not the dining plan is 'worth it,' and I know Leonard Kinsey has advised against it in his book The Dark Side of Disney, but honestly, I love food.  I'm going to Disney, eating at the fancy ass restaurants, and using all my snack credits at the food and wine festival.

I've pretty much decided that this year, the DDP is the best option for us, so we're gonna go with it. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Had to make some changes...

You'll all forgive me.  I'm taking an alias, removing my pictures, etc.  I want everything to be washed clean, as I'm getting ready to MOVE to Florida, and I wanna make sure that everything is kosher between the real me and the parks.  I haven't breathed a negative word about any of the parks (except Animal Kingdom, it still sucks) but I do say some bad words, and I don't want that tied to the real me.  Also, I don't want to endanger my job.

Breaks my heart to have to remove a lot of those pictures though, especially the one of me and Tron.  I mean Bruce Boxleitner.  Actually, haha, I meant Tron.  =p

More info to come!